About Nexus
Want to know what Nexus is all about? Learn about its goal, mission, uniqueness, etc..
Nexus: Your One-Stop Shop for Youth Mental Health

Imagine a world where every student has access to trusted, reliable mental health support, right at their fingertips. This is the vision behind Nexus, a groundbreaking online platform designed to revolutionize how we address youth mental health needs. Introducing Nexus, an online platform designed to empower students with self-management tools for mental well-being. It offers a variety of resources (videos, peer talks, coping strategies) through a user-friendly app and website. By increasing access to support and reducing stigma, Nexus aims to lessen the burden on counselors and equip students to proactively manage their mental health. Unlike other hubs, Nexus is unique because it offers 360 degrees of support, including the self-help strategies and information, but also in-person human connection support through resource fairs, support groups and peer 2 peer talks, bringing the idea of community in the mental health journey for youth. It also provides continuous mental health support, rather than just a day or monthly focus, so students can learn mental health strategies and build their resilience for everyday.
Enhancing Youth Mental Health Support: Why It Matters
Research shows that a significant portion of youth struggle to access mental health resources. There are four major hurdles young people face:
Barriers: Stigma surrounding mental health is a significant issue, with one-third of youth reported to hold negative views.
Lack of Resources: There's a shortage of school counselors, with a single counselor often responsible for over 600 students. Additionally, therapy can be expensive.
Resource Overload and Isolation: The sheer number of available resources can be overwhelming, and feelings of isolation can further hinder help-seeking behavior.
Limited Access: As a result of these challenges, a staggering 60% of young people with depression lack proper mental healthcare.
Nexus: A Unique Approach to Youth Mental Health
Nexus goes beyond simply offering online resources. It fosters human connection by promoting mental health awareness events like fairs and talks within schools.
Nexus is unique for its holistic approach to youth mental health support. Nexus stands out with its 360-degree support system, combining online resources with mental health fairs to address the diverse needs of young people beyond traditional platforms, especially in schools where teens face the most barriers. It’s important to “Meet them where they are at.” There’s the information, but also what makes the Nexus unique is that it promotes further human connection, like bringing mental health support through fairs, talks, etc… Why schools? Because schools are where teens face the most barriers, need the most support, and already have existing connections. Nexus aims to integrate seamlessly into this existing system, reaching a wider audience and making a lasting impact on countless lives. And implementing it only for schools, makes it unique when compared to any other mental health or behavioral health hub.

Pilot Launch Video
How-To Use Guide
Origin Story of Nexus
"Nexus" - connection/linking of things
Hi everyone! My name is Taanvi Arekapudi, a 9th grader and the founder of Nexus: Mental Health Hub for Schools. The idea for Nexus sparked when I was sharing my experiences. I wrote the international bestseller Uplift Teens Today and created the Emotion Cards deck. Sharing my story, mental health challenges, strategies, and the Emotion Cards with other teens, I saw a real connection. They appreciated the help!
But there was a yearning for more. Students craved continuous support, a sense of connection with others, and access to trustworthy information. This wasn't limited to my own school. Students across districts, nationwide, and from diverse backgrounds echoed these needs. They yearned for a constant source of support, reliable resources, and the opportunity to connect with peers facing similar challenges. ​Their voices ignited an idea! A mental health hub felt like the perfect answer. The word "Nexus" resonated because it means "connection," and that's exactly what I envisioned. This hub would improve youth mental health support by breaking down barriers, increasing access, and amplifying the voices demanding change.
Building Nexus wasn't a solo mission. A UI (user interface) expert incorporated teen ideas into the design. This "made by youth, for youth" approach resonated deeply. Through pre-launch focus groups, peers expressed how Nexus could revolutionize their mental health journey. Their excitement fueled our passion.
Nexus is more than just an idea. It's a MOVEMENT. We're empowering teenagers to support each other, building a future where mental health resources are accessible and inclusive. This is just the beginning. Join us on this journey!

Our Team
Bring Nexus to Your School/District
Think Nexus would be a great fit for your school/district? Let's get it there!
Bringing Nexus to Your School/District: A Step-by-Step Guide
Bringing valuable mental health resources directly to your students is easier than ever with Nexus. We handle the heavy lifting after our initial conversation. Plus, Nexus is FREE and takes less than 1 month to launch.
Here's a simple framework to get started:
1. Meet, Plan, and Promote:
Schedule a meeting: Discuss Nexus with your school principal, district administrators, or relevant staff.
Plan for implementation:
Discuss your district's mental health needs and customize the platform accordingly.
Identify a point person to manage Nexus within the school/district.
Spread the word:
Develop a launch plan using a combination of:
Social media posts
School newsletters
Student emails
Short explainer videos
2. Partnering:
Partnership: Nexus offers free platform integration for your district.
3. Launch & Beyond
Pick a Launch Date: Set a clear date for introducing Nexus to your school/district.
Promotion Plan: Execute your pre-launch communication plan to generate student interest.
Nexus Launch + Resource Fair: Organize a launch event (school or district-wide) featuring Nexus alongside existing mental health resources.
4. Continous Awareness
Regularly promote Nexus to maintain student awareness.
Update content with fresh resources and feedback.
Monitor usage data to understand student needs and adjust your approach accordingly.
Nexus Youth Ambassadors
Want to learn more about the Youth Ambassadors team and its programs? Interested in applying?
What Can I Do, If I am a Youth Ambassador?
Help record Mental Health Minutes
Share your Peer Story
Write a Blog
Share resources/information
Funding to build the platform
Partner with the local nexus
Give feedback/ideas
And more!